How Long Can an Instagram Video Be
by: explainercue
August 25, 2024

A common question asked by many Instagram users is how long can an Instagram video be. In today’s digital era, like Instagram, social media platforms have become popular as well a crucial part of our daily lives. No matter what sort of benefit you are taking from these platforms, you cannot live without this digital media. Whether you are promoting your business, sharing loving moments with your friends or family, or showcasing your expertise and skills, social media platforms such as Instagram provide an opportunity for every user to express themselves to the world by connecting and engaging with people.

These days, one of the most engaging and attractive forms of content on Instagram is videos. But again, there arises a question have you ever thought, how long can an Instagram video be? Every social media platform has its limitations and set of rules and regulations. The same rules and regulations are set by Instagram for users and users have to follow them while posting a video.

How Long Can an Instagram Video Be? Exploring Video Lengths

Before making and posting a video on Instagram, make sure that simply posting any kind of video doesn’t give you a guarantee of success. You have to make it concise, more captivating, and engaging. For this purpose, the right length of the video is the vital thing to understand. In this article, for all Instagram users, there is a lot of insightful content available that will solve the question which says how long can an Instagram video be.

Instagram Video Length

If you are one of the users who want to post a video on Instagram in a more effective way but don’t know how to do so, you are at the exact place where you will find the solution in the form of a comprehensive guide. Now, choosing the length of the video to be uploaded on Instagram is no more a myth to be worried about.

Instagram Video Length Limit

For your information, the maximum length limit of an Instagram video is 60 seconds. But it doesn’t mean each user has such lengthy videos to post. Most users prefer short, engaging, and snappy videos to attract their audiences. You have to know that the average length of videos users mostly post on Instagram is 26 seconds long. A video under 30 seconds is most valuable and preferable if you want to gain the attention of the audience.

Instagram Reels Time Limit

After becoming aware of How Long can an Instagram Video Be, people ask what be Instagram reel’s time limit. The answer to their question is that an Instagram reel can be about 90 seconds long. If you think that your reel is expected to be longer than 90 seconds, it is recommended to break the video into pieces and upload reel by reel. If don’t want to do this, choose another suitable platform to upload a full-length video of yours.

How Long Can an Instagram Video Be

Some Specific Video Length Limits of Instagram’s Video

Below are some length limits of Instagram videos:

1. Feed Videos:

On Instagram Feed, the video posted has a maximum length of 60 seconds. It means the user has one minute to express his or her ideas on Instagram feed. Hence, you have one minute to gain users attention and for this purpose, your video should be more effective and eye-catching. Whilst making a video, try making it short concise, and coated with knowledge.

2. Instagram Stories:

Another way to express your ideas is the story feature of Instagram. This feature allows users to upload a story that is comprised of 15 seconds. The story will last for 24 hours and after that time limit, it will disappear automatically. This is the best feature that allows users to share their knowledge in short clips without posting worrisome lengthy content.

3. Instagram Live:

Instagram Live is another feature, that can end your confusion about How Long can an Instagram Video Be. Through this feature, there is no time frame for users, as they can connect with their desired audience whenever they want. As every feature has a little drawback, this feature also ends the online session automatically after one hour and you have to start a new session after this. This means you can stream online hour by hour and can avail of this feature.

4. Instagram TV (IGTV):

If you want to post or share a longer video, IGTV can be your best choice. Initially, with the help of this feature, you can post a video of about 10 minutes. But if you are a verified member and have a verified account, you are allowed to post a video of more than 60 minutes. Being a good Instagram user, you have to stay updated for the limits and time frames allotted by this social media platform to use it conveniently.

Instagram Reel Time Limit:

Different users have different ways of asking for satisfaction. Most of them also wondered how long the Instagram Reel Time Limit is. The answer to their query is almost given in the above content. But we can remind them again that the Instagram Reel Time Limit is 90 seconds and above this limit, none can upload a reel. Hence, one has to remember to follow set time limits to avoid missing the intended message they want to convey to their audience.

How Long Can an Instagram Video Be

How to adjust a video according to the Time Limit?

If your video is longer than any time limit, mentioned above, and you are confused about how to upload it, don’t worry we do have a solution for you. Below are some of the best ways to post a longer video easily:

  • User video trimming feature on Instagram to trim it and post the trimmed part in the form of another video.
  • Use a good video editor and use it to adjust the video according to the set requirements.
  • Creating a video arousal post is also a better idea if you don’t want to edit or trim your video. You can make short clips of your video and post it.

Final Words:

After reading the above words, you will be clear about how long an Instagram video should be. Instagram is a perfect platform that can be the best alternative to YouTube, Facebook, and other social media platforms. Instagram videos can deliver your message to your desired audience. You get viewers far across the borders as well. Thus, we are hopeful that the article proved helpful to you. For more blogs like that, follow ExplainerCue. Good-Bye!

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