Animation Source Files
by: explainercue
August 24, 2024

Animated source files include many elements like keyframes, audio clips, scripts, and other kinds of metadata. These elements are further compiled into one data file like Zip files, etc. The types of animation source files include project files, asset files like vector graphics, raster images, audio files, Scene files, script files, and metadata files.

The modern era is the era of animated videos. Due to the high demand for animated videos, the production of animated videos is also gaining its peaks. Almost all animated videos are made in software like Adobe Anime, and Adobe After Effects. Hence, the need for software also increases with time.

However, each tool or software has a series of drawings, data, and files when making animated videos. These files are vital in making, editing, and project completion. These files are called animated source files, art files, or working files. These files contain data that is vital to define how animation is made and rendered.

Animation Source Files

 Tips to Utilize Animation Source Files

Once you get the animated source files, it’s time to get the use of these files in the very best way. Below are some of the best tips for you. You can utilize them to utilize source files of animations.

  •         Uncompressing Your Zip Files
  •         Opening of After Effects
  •         Navigating the Adobe Platform

Below is a detailed analysis of these types:

1. Uncompressing Your Zip Files

You should be familiar with Zip files. Zip files are files that are used to compress multiple files into a smaller but single file. The unzipping of these files is not a difficult task to do. You just have to double-click on your zip files and get access to these files in no time. If you are still facing trouble opening and uncompressing your zip files, you don’t have to be worried. There are the bulk of websites available online that can help you do so.

Before unzipping your files, you have to keep a few things in mind. The first thing is to be aware of the location where you are going to unzip or extract your files. You can create a specific folder for your files. Any misconception can lead you to lose your important asset. Moreover, without an exact location, your files will not be interlinked together. That is why, following instructions is always important.

2. Opening of After Effects

After your files are uncompressed, it’s time to interlink these files. This can be done by opening them in after-effects. When you open these fields in After Effects, you will probably see a popup. That popup would indicate that you may have been missing some of your files. But that is not the big problem, as the solution is already available in after-effects. If your missing files are present or exist in the project folder, with the help of software, you can relocate them as well as interlink them.

After ensuring the safety of all files, it’s time to edit them. Most of the users use different plugins to avoid further troubles in the editing process. Thus, you are also highly recommended to use plugins not only for data safety but also for the sake of having good after-effects.

Animation Source Files

3. Navigation of the Adobe Platform

Navigation of the software is necessary to use it properly, and the same goes with the Adobe platform. After opening the Adobe platform, you will see the display of the list on the upper lift. There you can get access to all the shapes, files, and assets that are pretty important for the project.

You will ask, what are the compositions? Compositions are internal as well as external layers of local scenes being created in the software. While dealing with complex animations, these compositions help you maintain the clean and organized layers.

Furthermore, at the upper right of Adobe After Effects, you will see numerous varieties of tools such as effects, and variables. These tools are also important for the design and adjustment of your project. If the video is sized awkwardly, you can use zoom in or zoom out option to adjust your video in different frames. Still, there are other sorts of features that you will learn with time.


In the conclusion, we saw how animation source files are important to be utilized properly. If you miss any of these files and falsely uncompress them, there are good chance that you may lose your project. In this article, we made sure to clean each and everything regarding animated source files. Reading this blog, you will be able to use Adobe After Effects to edit your source files more effectively. If you found this blog useful, let us know via feedback in the comment section. Keep following for more blogs like that. Regards!

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